Friday, March 02, 2012

Scott Brown refuses to stop distorting Ted Kennedy’s record

Senator Kennedy believed our country couldn't afford to wait, or to fail to provide the highest quality of affordable health care to every American.
As Patrick, Senator's Kennedy's son, wrote to Scott Brown:
"Providing health care to every American was the work of my father's life. The Blunt Amendment you are supporting is an attack on that cause... My father never would have supported this extreme legislation."

"You are entitled to your own opinions, of course, but I ask that, moving forward, you do not confuse my father's positions with your own. I appreciate the past respect you have expressed for his legacy, but misstating his positions is no way to honor his life's work."
Scott Brown's refusal to honor this letter is really unbelievable.
I hope the voters in Massachusetts will see that Scott Brown is nothing more than a rubber stamp for an increasingly extremist Republican Party and vote for Elizabeth Warren for Senator from Massachusetts.
Given the above, I say to Scott Brown:
To equate Senator Kennedy with the Blunt Amendment (which in part denies the right to contraception to women) and then claim to "know Senator Kennedy" (who never would have supported this extreme legislation) is beyond belief, a fiction that most will see through. By aligning yourself with the rigid dogma practiced by the extreme right will push you too far from the center where most reasonable people live. The greats have the guts to stand up for the least of their brethren. The far right stands up for ideologies and their dogma not the least of their brethren. We saw the complete failure of those ideologies under eight years of George W Bush. A failure to protect the country (9/11), two unfunded wars, two stock market crashes, the worst financial meltdown since the great depression and the worst job creation record of any president since Hoover; under the guise of job creation, Bush championed the biggest tax cut to the rich the country has ever seen. Given the size of the tax cut everyone should have a job. By the way, the tax cuts had 8 years to work. All we have to show for the tax cut is a bigger deficit and no jobs. How do you explain that? Rather than voting for the Blunt Amendment and trying to convince everyone you’re Ted Kennedy, who was the number one liberal in the country, why don’t you ask Olympia Snowe how to be a Senator for the people in your own state.

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